Risk factors of chronic noncommunicable diseases comorbidity in South-Kazakhstan region
Факторы риска коморбидности хронических неинфекционных заболеваний в Южно-Казахстанской области
Saule Urazalina 1 * ,
Aisulu Musagalieva 1,
Assel Issabekova 1,
Kulzida Koshumbayeva 1,
Bagdat Akhit 1 More Detail
1 Cardiology Unit, Postgraduate Education Department, Scientific-Research Institute of Cardiology and Internal Diseases, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
* Corresponding Author
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 1, Issue 51, pp. 50-55.
Aim: To conduct a one-stage multicenter study in South-Kazakhstan Region to obtain baseline prevalence of comorbidity of chronic noninfectious diseases and their risk factors.
Material and methods: 1400 persons at the age of 18-69, living in the South-Kazakhstan region. Epidemiological part consisted of: interviewing, physical examination and laboratory tests. For statistical analysis were used MSAccess and SPSS22.0. computer programs.
Results: 12.7% of respondents in South-Kazakhstan region smoke, which statistically significantly less than number of nonsmoking (87.3%; p<0.01) ones. The number of alcohol drinkers is 28.4%, which also less than number of nondrinkers (71.6%; p<0.01). The 48.3% of people included in the study had physical inactivity, while 51.7% had sufficient physical activity.
More than half of respondents had abdominal obesity (67.9%), which higher than number of people without obesity (32.1%; p<0.01). The 72.1% had chronic noninfectious diseases (1009 of 1400). Comorbidity with two diseases – 48.2% (676 of 1400). Most common disease was arterial hypertension (45.9%: 464 of 1009). Less common – chronic kidney disease (2.4%:24 of 1009). The most common comorbidity – arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus (72.3%). The less common – obesity and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (2.3%).
Conclusions: 1. The most common risk factors of chronic noninfectious diseases in South-Kazakhstan region are improper diet, obesity, physical inactivity.
2. The frequency of chronic noninfectious diseases in South-Kazakhstan region was 72.1%. And the most common disease was arterial hypertension.
3. The most common comorbidity – combination diabetes mellitus with arterial hypertension while the less common – combination obesity with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Urazalina S, Musagalieva A, Issabekova A, Koshumbayeva K, Akhit B. Risk factors of chronic noncommunicable diseases comorbidity in South-Kazakhstan region. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2019;1(51):50-5.
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