Systemic administration of autologous mononuclear precultured bone marrow stem cells in heart failure

Системное введение аутологичных мононуклеарных прекультивированных клеток костного мозга при сердечной недостаточности
Aliya Dzholdasbekova 1, Galina Fedotovskikh 1, Manarbek Askarov 1, Bayan Komsabakova 1, Ainur Baigenzhina 1, Argul Kairatova 1, Gulden Abylkassymova 1
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1 «National Scientific Medical Research Center» JSC, Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 3, Issue 37, pp. 14-18.
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The Aim: Heart failure (HF) is the major cause of death worldwide. Despite the available pharmacotherapy, prognosis is usually harsh. Here we assessed the safety and efficacy of autologous bone marrow-derivedmononuclear cell (BMMC)retransplantation in HF (left ventricular ejection fraction, LVEF <45%) at one-year follow-up.
Methods: A whole number of 104 patients were included to the study (male=84 and female=20), age 27 untill 65 with Heart failure. All patients underwent standard examination (12-lead ECG, echocardiography, 6-minute walking test and laboratory tests).
Results: After systemic BMMC retransplantation, EF was shown to rise at 12 months for both DCMP and ISCM (32,1+/-1,3 vs 41,3+/-1,6% and 32,2+/-1,2% vs 39,3+2,6%, respectively; p-value<0,005). ProBNP recognized as an early marker of HF tend to reduce sufficiently by 3 monthsand continued to recover at one-year follow-up for both diseases (3266,+/-344,4 vs 361+/-35,9 ng/ml; p-value<0,0001 and 4618+/-267 vs 286+/-35,9 ng/ml; p-value<0,0001 for ICMP and DCMP, respectively).
Conclusion: Our results suggest BMMC transplantation is safe and well tolerated. BMMC infusion has improved systolic myocardial function, and a consequence has delayed the progression of HF, which is confirmed by recovering proBNP. Moreover, BMMC transplantation might favor by preliminarycell cultivation due to enhanced mitochondrial function.


Dzholdasbekova A, Fedotovskikh G, Askarov M, Komsabakova B, Baigenzhina A, Kairatova A, et al. Systemic administration of autologous mononuclear precultured bone marrow stem cells in heart failure. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2015;3(37):14-8.


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