The effect of aсtive hexose correlated compound on (multi) nodular euthyroid goiter: A double-blind placebo-controlled study
Zaure Zhaparkhanova 1 * ,
Bayan Zhumanova 2,
Aziza Alipova 2,
Aizat Aimakhanova 3,
Sholpan Eslamgalieva 4,
Anel Kurmanova 1,
Zhazira Nurlykaimova 1,
Michael Zeltser 1,
Assym Akyshbayev 1 More Detail
1 Center of Neuroendocrinology, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
2 Department of Endocrinology, JSC Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D.Asfendiyarova, Almaty, Kazakhstan
3 Department of Biostatistics and Basic of Scientific Research, S.D.Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
4 Department of Molecular Biology and Medical Genetics, S.D.Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
* Corresponding Author
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 18, Issue 2, pp. 66-71.
Aim: of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of Аctive Hexose Correlated Compound (АНСС®) use in monotherapy and its impact on the echographic characteristics of the thyroid gland during (multi) nodular goiter.
Methods: The study involved 27 people with (multi) nodular euthyroid goiter. The main treatment group consisted of 13 patients who received АНСС®. The placebo control group consisted of 14 participants. The duration of the drug intake lasted for 100 days. Three visiting schedules were arranged including initial, intermediate and final visits. Research methods included clinical examinations, laboratory tests, a thyroid ultrasound (classification by K-TIRADS) and completing a questionnaire.
Results: The laboratory tests confirmed the euthyroid status of patients in both groups at baseline and at the end of the study. A decrease in the total volume of the right and left lobes of the thyroid gland was noted among the main treatment group. In addition, a decrease in the volume of all types of nodules was seen in this group. A decrease in the volume of the type 2 colloid node was statistically significant. On the contrary, a statistically significant increase in the average volume of the same type of node among the control group was seen. Overall, the average volume of the node decreased by 37.2% in the main group and increased by 4.9% in the control group by the end of the study.
Conclusion: The results of this double-blind, placebo-controlled study make it possible to assess the efficiency of АНСС® in (multi) nodular goiter affecting primarily the volume of nodes (mainly of the 2nd and 3rd types). This is especially important when a potential surgery or radioiodine therapy may carry a high risk of complications among patients.
Zhaparkhanova Z, Zhumanova B, Alipova A, Aimakhanova A, Eslamgalieva S, Kurmanova A, et al. The effect of aсtive hexose correlated compound on (multi) nodular euthyroid goiter: A double-blind placebo-controlled study. J CLIN MED KAZ. 2021;18(2):66-71.
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