The efficacy of chondroitin sulfate-4,6 in treatment of patients with osteoarthritis and hyperuricemia
Эффективность хондроитин-сульфата-4,6 у пациентов с остеоартрозом и сопутствующей гиперурикемией.
Anna Krylova 1
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1 National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after PL Shupyk, Department of Therapy and Rheumatology, Kiev, Ukraine
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 4, Issue 38, pp. 60-64.
Aim of the study. To investigate the efficacy of chondroitin sulfate in treatment of osteoarthritis and hyperuricemia and its effects on the dynamics ofthe inflammatory process, purine, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism markers.
Materials and methods. In this study was included 32 patients with hyperuricemia and osteoarthritis (26 women and 6 men), aged 35-75 years. Estimated dynamics of VAS, indices Lequesne, WOMAC, uric acid, IL-1β, IGF-1, NO, general clinical indicators. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS Statistics.
Results. The study found a significant reduction in pain by VAS, indices WOMAC, Lequesne after 6 months of treatment. Any dynamics of laboratory tests – levels of serum glucose, markers of lipid metabolism, markers of liver function,serum creatininewere not observed. After 6 months of treatment, we obtained significant decreasedlevels of IL-1, NO, CRP and significant increasedlevel ofIGF-1. Increased uric acid levels were found.
Conclusion. The use ofchondroitin sulfate avian origin (chondroitin-4-sulfate, 72%) in the treatment of patients with osteoarthritis has pathogenetic base and clinical perspective, but it should be taken into account its effect on uric acid levels and in the futureshould be planed a differentiated approach to the treatment of patients with osteoarthritis and hyperuricemia.
Krylova A. The efficacy of chondroitin sulfate-4,6 in treatment of patients with osteoarthritis and hyperuricemia. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2015;4(38):60-4.
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