The method of dynamic proprioceptive correction in the rehabilitation of patients with children’s cerebral palsy

Метод динамической проприоцептивной коррекции в реабилитации пациентов с детским церебральным параличом
Yevgen Lisovskyy 1, Kenzhe Kussainova 1
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1 «Republican Children’s Rehabilitation Centre» JSC, Science and Education Department, Аstana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 2, Issue 40, pp. 31-35.
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Research objective was the evaluation of effectiveness of the dynamic proprioceptive correction in complex rehabilitation of patients with Children Cerebral Palsy.
Methods. The results of diagnostics and treatment of 80 patients at age from 4 to 7 years with Children’s Cerebral Palsy, diplegical form, level of severity II-IV according to GMFCS, were analyzed. 55 children of study group were treated with complex rehabilitation program included dynamic proprioceptive correction; 25 children of control group were treated with standard complex rehabilitation program. The state of muscular tone were estimate in patient of both groups according to Ashworth scale, dynamics of motor function according to GMFCS with calculation program GMAE, indicators of bioelectrical brain activity with computer complex Nihon-Kohden EEG-1100К.
Results. The analysis of our date demonstrates that patients treated with rehabilitation program included dynamic proprioceptive correction have statistically significant advantage over patients of control group in the gaining of new motor skills. Investigation of EEG-indicators shows that the correction of pathological afferentation makes activate influence on the brain cortex and decrease pathological influence of subcortical and thalamus structures on the cortical electrogenesis.
Conclusions. The data of conducted investigation confirm the effectiveness of the method of dynamic proprioceptive correction in the treating of patients with Children Cerebral Palsy.


Lisovskyy Y, Kussainova K. The method of dynamic proprioceptive correction in the rehabilitation of patients with children’s cerebral palsy. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2016;2(40):31-5.


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