The opportunistic fungi and peptic ulcer disease
Условно-патогенные грибы и язвенная болезнь
Timur Omarov 1, Venera Omarova 2, Liliya Omarova 2, Samal Sarsenova 2
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1 JSC “Republican Research Center for Emergency Care”, Astana, Kazakhstan
2 JSC “Astana Medical University”, Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 2, Issue 32, pp. 49-53.
The aim. To study the course of gastric ulcer with H.pylori in the Candida infection of the gastric mucosa and the impact of antimycotic therapy on the efficiency of ulcer healing.
Methods. We have determined the microbial spectrum of large intestine in 30 patients with gastric ulcer with H.pylori. The patients were divided into two groups. The both group took standard anti-Helicobacter pylori therapy and probiotics. The first group also took antimycotic therapy. The identification of clean cultures selection was performed by microbiological computer analyzer “Microtax” of firm “Sy-Lab” (Austria).
Results. Before treatment the decrease of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacterium level in concentrations <108 and <106 UFC in 97% of patients and increase the opportunistic flora, especially Candida fungus were found. After treatment, in first group who took fluconazole than other group, in 93% patients, Lactobacterium, E.coli with normal and reduced enzymatic activity come to normal. In 13% of patients Bifidobacterium and Candida keep in high concentration. In second group, the indigenous and facultative microflora come to normal in 76%, but Candida keeps in high concentration in 53%.
Conclusions. To include antimycotic preparations to standard therapy for patients with gastric ulcer, Candida infection of the gastric mucosa and its high concentration in feces.
Omarov T, Omarova V, Omarova L, Sarsenova S. The opportunistic fungi and peptic ulcer disease. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2014;2(32):49-53.
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