The relationship between the exercise capacity and somatotype components, body composition, and quadriceps strength in individuals with coronary artery disease

Melike Gültekin 1, Gülay Yeğinoğlu 2, Hasan Bingöl 3 *
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1 Department of Anatomy, Institute of Health Science, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey
2 Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey
3 Department of Therapy and Rehabilitation, Vocational School of Health Services, Mus Alparslan University, Muş, Turkey
* Corresponding Author
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 18, Issue 6, pp. 62-68.
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Goal: The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to explore a possible relationship between exercise capacity and somatotype components, body composition, and quadriceps strength in individuals with coroner artery disease (CAD)
Material and Methods: A convenient sample size of 60 participants between the ages of 45 and 60 years (mean age 56.6 ±4.7; 12 females [mean age 57.7±3.01], 48 males [mean age;56.3±5.1] was established from patients referred to the Department of the Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation. The exercise was assessed using graded symptom-limited exercise testing while Participants' body composition was detected via Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) technique by using TANITA SC-330 (TANITA, Tokyo, Japan). Finally, quadriceps femoris muscles testing was conducted with Dr Robert W. Lovett’s manual muscle testing method.
Results: In the whole sample, exercise capacity was found to be negatively and weakly correlated with the endomorph component (r = - 0.39), whereas a slight and positive correlation was observed between the ectomorph component and exercise capacity (r = 0.28). However, the correlations revealed between exercise capacity and somatotype components differentiated with gender-based analysis. A moderate and weak correlation was found out between exercise capacity and fat mass (FM) in the whole group and the male individuals (r1=-0.45 and r2=-0.34), respectively; in contrast, there was not a meaningful correlation between the same variables in the female individuals(r=-0.002).  Exercise capacity had slight and negative relationships with free-fat mass variable (FFM) in both gender (r1 = -0.28 and r2=-0.29), while small to moderate relationship with fat-mass variable (FM) in the male gender (r1=-0.34). Body composition elements, including FM, FFM and BMI, together explained a % 24  of variance in exercise capacity, while somatotype components together explained a % 16 of variance in the exercise capacity.  Finally, quadriceps femoris strength was found to be  the best predictor of  exercise capacity of a patient with CAD (R2=0.44 or % 44)
Conclusion: Our results suggest that exercise capacity in individuals with CAD is directly associated with somatotype components, anthropometry/body composition elements, and quadriceps strength.


Gültekin M, Yeğinoğlu G, Bingöl H. The relationship between the exercise capacity and somatotype components, body composition, and quadriceps strength in individuals with coronary artery disease. J CLIN MED KAZ. 2021;18(6):62-8.


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