The role of fetal inherited thrombophilia in development of various forms of fetal growth restriction syndrome
Роль фетальных наследственных тромбофилий в развитии различных форм синдрома задержки роста плода
Nikolay Scherbina 1, Mikhail Makarenko 2, Iryna Kuzmina 1
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1 № 1 Kharkov national medical university, Kharkov, Ukraine
2 Municipal specialized maternity hospital Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 4, Issue 34, pp. 49-53.
The aim: study significance of fetal thrombophilias (FT) in development of different forms of fetal growth restriction syndrome (FGRS).
Methods: The method of polymerase chain reactions was conducted to analyze blood from umbilical cord for FT of 77 new-born children with symmetric form (25 newborns - 1st group), and asymmetric form (52 – 2nd group) of SGIF and at 30 healthy new-borns (control group). Analysis of inherited fetal thrombophilia included: polymorphism of factor of V Leiden, determination of mutation of gene of folate dependent enzyme of methylene-tetra-hydrofolate reductase MTHFR С677Т, polymorphism «4 G/5G» in the gene of inhibitor of activator of plasminogen I type of PAI - I, polymorphism of «I/D» in the gene of tissue activator of plasminogen, polymorphism in the gene of Hageman’s factor FHag «46С/Т », polymorphism of «- 455G/A» in the gene of Fibrinogenum, and also mutation in the gene of prothrombin of G20210A and multigene form of thrombophilias.
Results: The fetal inherited thrombophilias identified in the different forms of SGIF. Frequency of their discovery of the symmetric form of SGIF substantially higher in comparison to the asymmetric form of FGRS. Combination of a few mutations predominates among the studied forms of FGRS. Fetal thrombophilias are important differentially-diagnostic signs of development of various forms of FGRS.
Conclusion: Research of fetal thrombophilias allows to use them as markers of development of one or another form of FGRS and confirm genetic nature of development of symmetric form of FGRS.
Scherbina N, Makarenko M, Kuzmina I. The role of fetal inherited thrombophilia in development of various forms of fetal growth restriction syndrome. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2014;4(34):49-53.
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