The use of Reflex locomotion in complex rehabilitation of neurological pediatric patients in the National Center for Children's Rehabilitation, the Branch of Corporate Fund “UMC”.

Применение Войта-терапии в комплексной реабилитации неврологических больных детского возраста в Филиале КФ «UMC» Национальный центр детской реабилитации
Sholpan Bulekbayeva 1, Zholtay Daribayev 1, Galymzhan Zhylkybayev 2, Daulet Amanzhol 3, Meyram Kaliyasov 3
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1 The National Center for Children’s Rehabilitation, the Branch of CF “UMC”, Astana, the Republic of Kazakhstan
2 The Neuropsychiatric department number 2 “Qadam”, the Branch of CF “UMC”, Astana, the Republic of Kazakhstan
3 The Neuropsychiatric department number 1 “Bobek”, Branch of CF “UMC”, Astana, the Republic of Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 3, Issue 41, pp. 37-40.
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Objective: To increase the efficiency of rehabilitation measures in the treatment of movement disorders. Rehabilitated 16 patients aged 1 to 5 years, of which 14 patients were children with cerebral palsy (87.5%), 2 patients with congenital malformations of the central nervous system (12.5%). 10 children (63%) had spastic syndrome with an average of 3.5 points on a scale of Ashworth, the remaining 6 (37%) - Children with a flaccid syndrome. Furthermore, according to the classification of large motor functions GMFCS, 12 children (75%) corresponded to level 5, 4 patients (25%) – to the 4th level. On a scale large motor functions GMFM average before treatment was 8.7%. There was held a course of comprehensive rehabilitation with the use of traditional kinesitherapy, hydro kinesitherapy, physiotherapy and elements of Reflex locomotion.
Results: The analysis of assessment data indicates that 16 children had average 8.7% on GMFM scale at the time of admission, and after the rehabilitation with elements of Reflex locomotion- 10.7%. Thus, the improvement rate was 2%. Evaluate patients at Ashworth spasticity scale did not give reliable results on the influence of methods of Reflex locomotion on spasticity due to the short period of rehabilitation and low frequency of sessions per day.
Conclusions: The experience of the elements of this methodology has shown the need for further study of the efficacy for longer period of application, covering a larger number of patients, as well as in combination with other methods of Kinesitherapy (Bobath, the PNF, etc.).


Bulekbayeva S, Daribayev Z, Zhylkybayev G, Amanzhol D, Kaliyasov M. The use of Reflex locomotion in complex rehabilitation of neurological pediatric patients in the National Center for Children's Rehabilitation, the Branch of Corporate Fund “UMC”.. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2016;3(41):37-40.


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