The ways of formation of new generation of nurses in Kazakhstan
Пути формирования новой генерации медицинских сестер в Казахстане
Aigul Abdrakhmanova 1, Zaure Baygozhina 1, Maral Kaliyeva 1
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1 RSE on the REM «Republican Center for Health Development», Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 4, Issue 34, pp. 5-9.
During the years of the Soviet system nurses had lost their independence, initiative, creative approach to work, which led to the low level of professional competence and professional status of nurses. Global changes in Kazakhstan health system are largely dependent on the competence of medical staff, particularly nurses.
New generation nurses training in – Bachelor of Nursing will not only improve the profession’s prestige, but will provide the opportunity to transfer a large share of the doctors functionality to nurses, and subsequently will improve the deficiency of medical staff.
Abdrakhmanova A, Baygozhina Z, Kaliyeva M. The ways of formation of new generation of nurses in Kazakhstan. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2014;4(34):5-9.
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