Validation non-English version of modified checklist for autism in toddlers-revised with follow-up

Karina Nukeshtayeva 1 * , Marina Lubchenko 2, Bauyrzhan Omarkulov 3, Nailya DeLellis 4
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1 School of Public health and biomedcine, Karaganda Medical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
2 Department of Neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry and rehabilitology department, Karaganda Medical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
3 Institute of Public and Occupational health, Karaganda Medical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
4 Central Michigan University, The Herbert H. & Grace A. Dow College of Health professions, Department of Health science, 1280 E Campus Dr Mount Pleasant, MI 48859, USA
* Corresponding Author
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 18, Issue 4, pp. 4-11.
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Background: In modern conditions, the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in young children is quite complex. A two-step version of the updated checklist for autism in young children, revised with follow-up (M-CHAT-R/F), was shown to be successful in a large, geographically diverse sample of young children in primary care. In this study, the authors conducted a critical study of 16 validation studies of 35,722 participants participating in M-CHAT-R/F for early detection of ASD in non-English-speaking countries, and established a recommendation for validation of the non-English-language version of the M-CHAT-R/F screening method among toddlers.
Aim: Examine available publications on assessing the accuracy of the screening tool for detecting ASD in non-English speaking countries and identify possible errors in methodology. Material and methods: The survey was conducted in databases. The criteria for inclusion of publications in this review: studies of the diagnostic accuracy of the screening tool for early detection of ASD M-CHAT-R/F, non-English speaking country of study. The search depth is 6 years.
Results: The sensitivity and accuracy of M-CHAT-R/F screening displayed outstanding performance with an average of 0.86 (CI=0.95) and 0.80 (CI=0.95) respectively. Based on the findings of this analysis, it can be inferred that, at some stage of the assessment of the validity and reliability of the M-CHAT-R/F instrument, each study included in the analysis rendered various degrees of error.
Conclusion: Non-compliance with the blindness guideline and the presence of children diagnosed with ASD and documented screening outcomes greatly raises the likelihood of error. A major challenge for researchers at the timing and flow stage was to ensure that the maximum number of participants participated from the very beginning to the end. It is more effective for researchers to work with a sample of small magnitude since this is an incentive to offer diagnostics to the full number of study participants.


Nukeshtayeva K, Lubchenko M, Omarkulov B, DeLellis N. Validation non-English version of modified checklist for autism in toddlers-revised with follow-up. J CLIN MED KAZ. 2021;18(4):4-11.


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