Various aesthetic results in the primary surgical treatment of bitten face wounds in children
Различные эстетические результаты при первично-хирургической обработке укушенных ран лица у детей
Batyrly Tuleubay 1, Zhakanov Tuleu 2, Aulybay Dauken 2
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1 JSC Medical University of Astana
2 City Children's Hospital enterprise on economic management №2 of Astana city
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 3, Issue 45 special issue, pp. 77-83.
Bitten wounds inflicted by animals on the face of children are special. Deforming scars can then only be corrected by a series of operations. However, in the early primary surgical treatment of bitten wounds of children with the use of a special complex multidisciplinary and hardware approach in the conditions of the children's maxillofacial department, it is possible to achieve signifcantly optimal results.
Tuleubay B, Tuleu Z, Dauken A. Various aesthetic results in the primary surgical treatment of bitten face wounds in children. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2017;3(45 special issue):77-83.
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