Development and Printing of a Customized 3D Model of a Solitary Humeral Cyst as a Stage in Surgical Treatment of Bone Defects Using Orgignal Bone Replased Material

Bakhtiyar Makhatov 1 * , Berik Tuleubayev 1, Amina Koshanova 1
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1 Department of Surgery, NAO "Karaganda Medical University", Karaganda, Kazakhstan
* Corresponding Author
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 21, Issue 6, pp. 91-94.
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Author Contributions: Conceptualization, B. T.; methodology, B. T.; validation, B. M.; formal analysis, B. M.; investigation, B. M.; resources, not applicable; data curation, B. M.; writing – original draft preparation, B. M.; writing – review and editing, A. K; visualization, B. M.; supervision, B. T.; project administration, B. T.; funding acquisition, not applicable. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


Objective: To study the possibilities of using 3D technology in preoperative planning and surgical treatment for solitary bone cyst.
Methods. As part of this work, a 3D model of a solitary cyst of the proximal humerus of a 14-year-old teenager was formed based on CT scans for  printing a bone defect sample on a 3D printer. 
Results. During processing, 3D slicer, 3D paint and Rhinoceros programs were used to create a virtual bone model and edit it further. Printing was done using ABS plastic and thermoplastic polyurethane using the FDM method. A comparison of the samples was made, taking into account the necessary characteristics for future filling of the model with bone plastic material and formation of an individualized graft. 
Conclusion. The results of the study showed the feasibility and simplicity of the technique for creating and printing 3D bone models. This method can be fully utilized to create customized grafts that are identical in shape to the bone cyst.


Makhatov B, Tuleubayev B, Koshanova A. Development and Printing of a Customized 3D Model of a Solitary Humeral Cyst as a Stage in Surgical Treatment of Bone Defects Using Orgignal Bone Replased Material. J CLIN MED KAZ. 2024;21(6):91-4.


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